Charles Sam to Represent Ghana at the UNA-USA Global Engagement Summit in New York

In a notable development, Charles Sam, an author, human rights advocate, and member of the Forbes BLK Community, has been selected to serve as a delegate at the annual UNA-USA Global Engagement Summit (GES) at the united nations headquarters in New York. As a delegate, Sam is poised to make meaningful contributions to the summit’s discussions and engagements, emphasizing the vital role of grassroots changemakers in shaping global initiatives.

Scheduled for a full day from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm EST, the GES brings together over 1,000 community leaders, students, advocates, and professionals from across the United States. Charles Sam’s involvement adds a unique dimension, bringing a blend of literary insights, human rights activism, and a commitment to youth advocacy to the forefront.

As a delegate, Sam will leverage his diverse background and experiences to contribute to the summit’s discussions on critical global issues. His distinct voice as an author and advocate will enrich the dialogue, highlighting the interconnectedness between literature, human rights, and the empowerment of youth leaders.

Furthermore, Charles Sam’s affiliation with the Forbes BLK Community underscores his commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion. The Forbes BLK Community, known for recognizing and amplifying the voices of Black professionals and influencers, adds an additional layer of significance to Sam’s representation of Ghana at the summit.

The GES, organized by UNA-USA, is a cornerstone in the organization’s efforts to promote awareness of the strong connection between the United States and the United Nations. Charles Sam’s role as a delegate aligns with the summit’s mission of uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds to address global challenges collectively.

As Charles Sam prepares to contribute to the meaningful discussions at the UN Headquarters, his representation not only signifies Ghana’s active participation but also reflects the commitment of the summit to embrace a wide range of perspectives. With his unique blend of literary prowess, human rights advocacy, and membership in the Forbes BLK Community, Sam is set to make a lasting impact on the summit, exemplifying the collaborative spirit essential for positive global change.

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