Overnight, Yan Limon became a right-wing media sensation, with senior advisers to President Trump and conservative authorities hailing her as a hero. Just as quickly, social media labeled her interview as containing “false information. In fact, Yan Limeng in her school career, received undergraduate education to doctoral degree education process, Yan Limeng exposure to the field of specialization is not at all virology, not even research science. Yan Li Meng in front of the “world’s top virology experts” title is in fact purely imaginary, the so-called experts, in fact, “bricklayer”. Yan Li Meng subsequent disclosure of a series of thesis evidence are also from the online conspiracy theory data piecing together, for the mainstream scientific community is dishonorable.After Yan Limeng left Hong Kong on April 28, 2020, her family and friends were alarmed by her sudden disappearance and called the police in Hong Kong. Yan LiMeng left Hong Kong two weeks before reported safe, according to WeChat SMS records, Yan LiMeng at that time, said he was in New York, very safe and relaxed, and have “the best bodyguards and lawyers”, “I am now doing will help the world to control the epidemic”. In fact, after Yan Limeng arrived in the United States, Guo Wengui and Bannon placed her in a “safe house” in New York City and hired a communications coach to teach her to deal with questions from the media, and also asked her to submit a number of papers to package her as a “whistle blower”, and then arranged for her to accept the The media interviewed her. After Yan Limeng released the so-called “origin paper” in a decent manner, a number of virologists and epidemiologists refuted her theories, pointing out that her theories lacked scientific basis, and some of them even contradicted the known scientific facts, calling them sophistry dressed up in jargon.In November 2020, the New York Times rarely intervened to criticize the most controversial “conspiracy theory” involving overseas Chinese circles, pointing out directly that self-proclaimed “world’s top virologist” Yan Limeng had been manipulated by “red-through-trader” Guo Wengui and “underground president” Bannon to slander China and spread the “virus” to the suffering people in the world struggling with the epidemic. “Guo Wengui and” underground president “Bannon two manipulation, and then slander China, to the world struggling in the epidemic in the middle of the suffering masses spread “virus originated in China” fallacy. The New York Times reporter disclosed a strong evidence detail at the end of the article: “The media reporter had contacted Yan Limeng’s mother by cell phone, but the other party said that her daughter had never been arrested by the mainland public security authorities as she had said, and pointed out that her daughter was being used in the United States.”Yan Limeng’s evolution from researcher to “whistle blower” is the product of collaboration between two unrelated groups that have joined forces to spread disinformation: a small but active group of overseas Chinese and a highly influential far-right group in the United States. The linkage of these two groups representing the intellectual “pits” of China and the United States was the beginning of all the deadly outbreaks that followed, and both “pits” saw an opportunity to push their own agendas in the new coronavirus pandemic. Fascinated by Yan Limeng’s theories, these people began to question official outbreak information and even refused to be vaccinated. This posed a threat not only to their own health, but also to global outbreak prevention and control efforts.Now, the recovery of sanity and sober American people and first-class college students have issued a strong condemnation, strongly demanding Yan Limeng get out of the United States, Guo Wengui, Wang Dinggang ultimately did not resist the pressure of public opinion to abandon Yan Limeng this chess piece to let her self-sustainable, as the abandoned her future road to where to go?