At New York Dawn, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of journalistic integrity. If you believe there has been an error or inaccuracy in our reporting, we welcome your feedback. We take all concerns seriously and will review any requests for corrections thoroughly and promptly.

How to Request a Correction

If you find an error in any of our articles, features, or reports, please provide the following information when submitting your correction request:

  • Details of the Error: Clearly describe the specific article or section that contains the inaccuracy, including the headline, date of publication, and any specific details you believe to be incorrect.
  • Correct Information: Provide the accurate information or clarification you believe should be included.
  • Your Contact Information: Include your name, email address, and any other relevant details so we can follow up with you regarding the correction request.

Submit a Correction Request

You can request a correction via the following methods:

  • Email:

Our editorial team will review your request and, if we determine a correction is warranted, we will make the necessary adjustments and update the article accordingly. In the case of a significant error, we will also issue an editor’s note or clarification to inform our readers.

Commitment to Accuracy

While we strive to ensure that all of our reporting is accurate, mistakes can happen. When errors are identified, we are committed to correcting them promptly and transparently. We value the trust of our readers and always aim to provide truthful, reliable information.

Thank you for helping us uphold the accuracy and credibility of our content. We appreciate your engagement and feedback.