Advanced Micro Devices Inc.

What Sheryl Sandberg’s Exit Reveals About Women’s Progress in Tech

But many of them encountered difficulties steering aging tech companies. Of those women, only Ms. Catz, Ms. Hood and Ms. Porat remain in their roles. “The snail’s pace of progress for women leaders in Silicon Valley is worse than disappointing,” said Nicole Wong, a deputy chief technology officer for the Obama administration and a former […]

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U.S. Retakes Top Spot in Supercomputer Race

The United States has regained a coveted speed crown in computing with a powerful new supercomputer in Tennessee, a milestone for the technology that plays a major role in science, medicine and other fields. Frontier, the name of the massive machine at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, was declared on Monday to be the first to […]

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Chip Errors Are Becoming More Common and Harder to Track Down

Imagine for a moment that the millions of computer chips inside the servers that power the largest data centers in the world had rare, almost undetectable flaws. And the only way to find the flaws was to throw those chips at giant computing problems that would have been unthinkable just a decade ago. As the […]

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