
4,000 Beagles Are Being Rescued From a Virginia Facility. Now They Need New Homes.

When U.S. Department of Agriculture officials inspected a beagle breeding facility in Virginia last year, they found a female beagle whose paw had been trapped in shoddy flooring for so long that she was dehydrated, according to court documents. Employees at the facility told inspectors they did not know how long she had been stuck. […]

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A Herd in Exile: Riding Horses on Mozambique’s Bazaruto Archipelago

With a map in one hand and a cold beer in the other, I sat alone at the bar of the Baobab Beach Backpackers Lodge in the coastal town of Vilankulo, gazing out at the sweeping sandbars and vivid turquoise waters that surround Mozambique’s Bazaruto Archipelago. I’d planned to leave the following morning for Zimbabwe, […]

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A Portrait of South Georgia: Abundance, Exploitation, Recovery

Sally Poncet first came to South Georgia in 1977. Back then, she said, the sub-Antarctic island was as gorgeous as it is today: A spine of mountains, some 100 miles long, defines the terrain; glaciers drape down from the peaks, with verdant slopes running up to meet them; glistening beaches wrap around the shoreline. But […]

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A Town on Ukraine’s Edge, Determined to Escape Its Past

PRZEMYSL, Poland — Since the war broke out in Ukraine, the elegant little city of Przemysl, less than 10 miles from the Polish-Ukrainian border, has been transformed into a massive aid machine. Restaurants are feeding refugees instead of regular customers. School gyms are hosting Ukrainians instead of football games. The local newspaper is raising money […]

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New Coronavirus Lineage Discovered in Ontario Deer

Scientists have identified a new, highly mutated version of the coronavirus in white-tailed deer in southwestern Ontario, one that may have been evolving in animals since late 2020. They also found a very similar viral sequence in one person in the area who had close contact with deer, the first evidence of possible deer-to-human transmission […]

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Where to See Winter Wildlife in the U.S.

Sea Lions in Los Angeles Moviegoers can be forgiven if they believe coyotes wandering from the desert to yodel above Modernist rooftops are Los Angeles’s wildlife stars, but most people within earshot of the Pacific know better, especially during winter when beach revelers head indoors and their din is replaced by barking sea lions. Like […]

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Is the Coronavirus in Your Backyard?

There are many theories, none entirely satisfying. An infectious hunter might encounter a deer, Dr. Mubareka noted, but “if they’re good at hunting,” she added, “it’s a terminal event for the deer.” If an infected hiker “sneezes and the wind is blowing in the right direction, it could cause an unlucky event,” said Dr. Tony […]

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Inside the Campaign to Save an Imperiled Cambodian Rainforest

We were seated near a lush river in the Southern Cardamom Mountains, huddled over a lunch of chicken and rice, when the tip came in via text message: Someone had passed along the location of a poaching camp. Within minutes, the entire group — including Darian Thackwell, the head ranger, and four of his armed […]

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