Archives and Records

Additional Documents Found at Biden’s Wilmington Home, White House Says

WASHINGTON — Five more pages containing classified information were found at President Biden’s Delaware home on Thursday, the White House said on Saturday, bringing the tally to six such pages uncovered this week. The additional pages, a person with direct knowledge of the matter said, were discovered hours after a White House statement on Thursday […]

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Documents Inquiry Puts Spotlight on Biden’s Frenetic Last Days as Vice President

The Obama-Biden White House had established a regular process for handling secret papers and the White House Office of Records Management worked closely with the archives to ensure that files were transferred appropriately. Anything the president saw was archived. Classified papers would be returned and put in the National Security Council system or, if involving […]

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Trump Was Warned Late Last Year of Potential Legal Peril Over Documents

A onetime White House lawyer under President Donald J. Trump warned him late last year that Mr. Trump could face legal liability if he did not return government materials he had taken with him when he left office, three people familiar with the matter said. The lawyer, Eric Herschmann, sought to impress upon Mr. Trump […]

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Email Shows Early Tension Between Trump and National Archives

Less than four months after former President Donald J. Trump left office, the general counsel of the National Archives reached out to three lawyers who had worked with Mr. Trump to convey a firm message: The archives had determined that more than two dozen boxes of Mr. Trump’s presidential records were missing, and it needed […]

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The search appears to signal a major escalation in the various investigations into the Trump presidency.

Former President Donald J. Trump said on Monday that the F.B.I. had searched his Palm Beach, Fla., home and had broken open a safe — an account signaling a major escalation in the various investigations into the final stages of his presidency. The search, according to multiple people familiar with the investigation, appeared to be […]

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A Trove of Guantánamo Photos

Times Insider explains who we are and what we do and delivers behind-the-scenes insights into how our journalism comes together. GUANTÁNAMO BAY, Cuba — Like so many articles, our project in Sunday’s newspaper on the once-secret Pentagon photos from the earliest days of U.S. detention operations here, in 2002, started out with a tip. Somewhere […]

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‘You Don’t Become Lou Reed Overnight.’ A New Exhibition Proves It.

“Lou Reed: Caught Between the Twisted Stars” offers glimpses of a life in rock ’n’ roll — from doo-wop to “Metal Machine Music” — and tracks the evolution of one of music’s polarizing legends. June 6, 2022 At a glance, it is a modest artifact: a five-inch reel of audio tape, housed in a plain […]

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Deep in Vatican Archives, Scholar Discovers ‘Flabbergasting’ Secrets

VATICAN CITY — David Kertzer put down his cappuccino, put on his backpack and went digging for more Vatican secrets. “There’s an aspect of treasure hunting,” said Mr. Kertzer, a 74-year-old historian. Moments later he cut through a crowd lined up to see Pope Francis, showed his credentials to the Swiss Guards and entered the […]

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An Heir, a $25 Million Giveaway and 30,000 Unopened Letters

“They said, ‘We’re just looking for someone to believe in us enough,’” Maitland said. None of the films appear to have ever been made, he said, and the aspiring filmmakers, now all dead, left little other trace. And then there were the sheer larks. Through a colleague, Maitland heard that the young Paul Stanley, the […]

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