Tag: Basketball

Amir Johnson Is More Than an Answer in N.B.A. Trivia

Amir Johnson felt warm, either from the temperature in the room or…

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Novak Djokovic and Fellow Star Vaccine Skeptics Are Increasingly Scorned

In a less dangerous time, a more forgiving public viewed Novak Djokovic’s…

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‘Every Hooper’s Dream’: N.B.A. Hopefuls Get Their Chance During Crisis

On Tuesday, Dec. 21, Charlie Brown Jr. was walking through the lobby…

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What Is a Foul in the NBA? It’s Always Evolving

For much of the 20th century, basketball favored the tallest players, who…

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N.B.A.’s Adam Silver Says Christmas Games Will Go On

The only N.B.A. team that has reduced crowd sizes is the Toronto…

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18 Sports Highlights From 2021 Worth Watching Again

The sports world is entering another period of uncertainty, with a surge…

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Nets’ Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving Enter Virus Protocols

On Friday evening, the Nets announced they would allow Kyrie Irving, the…

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Pro Sports Leagues Hit Hard by Covid Outbreaks Should Halt Play

In the midst of a new wave of coronavirus infections sweeping the…

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Steph Curry Sets NBA Career Record for 3-Pointers

“It’s an adrenaline rush every time,” said Chelsie Schweers, 32, who set…

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