Tag: Computers and the Internet

How to Store Your Covid Vaccine Card or Test Results on Your Phone

The state of the digital Covid vaccine card — the bar code…

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Jack Dorsey’s Twitter Departure Hints at Big Tech’s Restlessness

“I don’t think there’s anything more important in my lifetime to work…

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Jim Warren, Early Influencer in Personal Computing, Dies at 85

Jim C. Warren Jr. was born on July 20, 1936, in Oakland,…

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Elizabeth Holmes Testimony: Updates From Day 4

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of the failed blood…

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Space Pagans and Smartphone Witches: Where Tech Meets Mysticism

DORTMUND, Germany — “Let’s use smartphones and tarot cards to connect to…

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A Fix-It Job for Government Tech

This article is part of the On Tech newsletter. Here is a…

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The Best Tech Gifts That Aren’t Gadgets

My favorite holiday tech gift doesn’t require batteries or software updates. It’s…

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Ifeoma Ozoma Blew the Whistle on Pinterest. Now She Protects Whistle-Blowers.

Last month, Gov. Gavin Newsom of California signed a bill to expand…

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Elizabeth Holmes Points Fingers at Others and Says She Was a Believer

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Using charisma, poise and a smattering of scientific…

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