Cotton, Tom

Trump’s Primary Losses Puncture His Invincibility

Donald J. Trump had cast this year’s primaries as a moment to measure his power, endorsing candidates by the dozen as he sought to maintain an imprint on his party unlike any other past president. But after the first phase of the primary season concluded on Tuesday, a month in which a quarter of America’s […]

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Oh, Josh & Marsha & Ted & Lindsey … Sorry, Judge Jackson

Although contentious — at times moronically so — the overall process to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court was relatively efficient, and the nomination was never in serious jeopardy. The final vote even wound up vaguely bipartisan, with three Republicans joining Democrats in supporting her. But these high court confirmations also double […]

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For These Republicans, Supreme Court Hearings Are an Irresistible Opportunity

Every senator looks in the mirror and sees a future president, the old saw goes. So as the Senate Judiciary Committee convenes this week to consider the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson for a Supreme Court seat, we’ll be watching the panel not just for probing questions about her judicial philosophy but also for […]

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Uproar Over ‘Crack Pipes’ Puts Biden Drug Strategy at Risk

Undeterred, Ms. Shalala encouraged philanthropies to finance needle exchange programs, and instructed National Institutes of Health experts to conduct trainings on needle exchange. Mr. Clinton later said he regretted his decision. When Mr. Biden was elected, addiction experts were elated. The American Rescue Plan, the coronavirus relief package he signed into law last year, set […]

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