Doping (Sports)

Racing Still Mourns the Ill-Fated Kentucky Derby Winner, Medina Spirit

GEORGETOWN, Ky. — The rain pelted the headstone, leaving streaks on the black marble and mirroring the misty eyes of the 100 or so admirers who had come to say goodbye. None of them knew the deceased well. Many had seen him only on television. They lifted plastic shot glasses filled with Kentucky bourbon to […]

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MLB Lockout Created Opportunties for Doping

In a sport where a fraction of an inch can be the difference between safe and out, or ball and strike, and where big money is paid to those who prosper, an opportunity to gain an advantage without detection could be too hard to forgo. The M.L.B. Lockout Comes to an End “Sports has learned […]

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Valieva Had 3 Substances Sometimes Used to Help the Heart in Sample

A sample provided by a teenage Russian figure skater to an antidoping laboratory before the Beijing Games included three substances that are sometimes used to help the heart, according to a document filed in her arbitration hearing on Sunday. The skater, Kamila Valieva, was cleared to continue competing in the Games by a panel of […]

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Kamila Valieva Can Compete but Won’t Receive Medals

Update: Kamila Valieva‘s sample had three substances sometimes used to help the heart. BEIJING — On Tuesday, Kamila Valieva, one of the Olympics’ youngest and biggest stars, will take to the ice and, if all goes as she plans, perform spinning jump after spinning jump on her way to an expected victory in women’s figure […]

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Valieva Falls and Shcherbakova Rises in a Blur of Jumps, Tumbles and Tears

Although Valieva landed her first jump, a quad salchow, she fell on two other jumps, looking disoriented as she struggled to right herself. In a perplexing performance that shocked even herself, she had errors on nearly every single jump, including her normally high-soaring quadruple jumps that she usually lands with barely a sound. The audience […]

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Valieva’s Coach and Russian Teammates React to Skater’s Crushing Olympic End

Several members of the Russian contingent were in tears by then, including not only Valieva but the silver medalist, Alexandra Trusova, too. In seconds, the scene at the edge of the rink quickly shifted to a blur of disparate emotions — crushing disappointment, raw frustration, incalculable pain — as the weight of a doping scandal […]

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Carlos Beltran Creates a New Ethical Debate for Hall of Fame

It might have been the best game Jim Palmer ever pitched: 11 scoreless innings on a summer afternoon in Baltimore in 1977, with nine strikeouts and no walks. Palmer didn’t win it, though, because the Orioles never scored. Gaylord Perry, the slippery ace of the Texas Rangers, was dominant. “I come out to get the […]

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