Fish and Wildlife Service

U.S. Allows Hunters to Import Some Elephant Trophies From African Countries

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service informed some hunters last month that it would allow the import of six elephant trophies into the United States from Zimbabwe. The African elephant carcasses will be the first allowed into the country in five years. The decision reverses an agencywide hold on processing elephant trophy import permits that […]

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How Disability Advocates Are Pushing to Make Hiking More Accessible

“I wanted that self-reliance back, I wanted the safety nets removed,” he explained. While Mr. Thomas believes the backcountry isn’t suitable for everyone, he thinks the outdoors should be. In 2013, he started the Team FarSight Foundation to help empower other visually impaired individuals to hike, climb and get outdoors. Even short hikes can be […]

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