Greenhouse Gas Emissions

California to Ban the Sale of New Gasoline Cars

California regulators on Thursday will vote to put in place a sweeping plan to restrict and ultimately ban the sale of gasoline-powered cars, state officials said, a move that the state’s governor described as the beginning of the end for the internal combustion engine. The new policy, detailed Wednesday morning in a news conference, is […]

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Plug-In Hybrid Cars Gain Ground in Race With Electric Rivals

In late 2010, General Motors sought to seize the high ground from Toyota’s successful Prius hybrid with the Volt plug-in hybrid — a car that could drive short distances on only electricity and fire up a gasoline engine for long trips. But the Volt and other cars like it struggled to win over drivers as […]

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Climate Bill ‘Transformative’ for Auto and Energy Industries

Making electric cars more affordable. For the auto industry, one of the most important provisions in the climate bill would eliminate a cap on how many cars from each manufacturer are eligible for a $7,500 tax credit that taxpayers get for buying electric vehicles. Currently, the credits are phased out after a manufacturer has sold […]

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Delay as the New Denial: The Latest Republican Tactic to Block Climate Action

WASHINGTON — One hundred million Americans from Arizona to Boston are under heat emergency warnings, and the drought in the West is nearing Dust Bowl proportions. Britain declared a climate emergency as temperatures soared above 100 degrees Fahrenheit and parts of blistering Europe are ablaze. But on Capitol Hill this week, Republicans were warning against […]

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Climate Change Legislation Stalls Amid Growing Inflation Concerns

Summers in Maricopa County, Ariz., have become at times unbearable, Kyle Hawkinson said on Friday. Smog and haze hung heavily over Phoenix, and residents were bracing for fire season, when the heat and air pollution would only grow worse. Climate change, he said, is at least partly to blame. But when Mr. Hawkinson, a 24-year-old […]

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Cryptomining Capacity in U.S. Rivals Energy Use of Houston, Findings Show

Seven of the largest Bitcoin mining companies in the United States are set up to use nearly as much electricity as the homes in Houston, according to data disclosed Friday as part of an investigation by congressional Democrats who say miners should be required to report their energy use. The United States has seen an […]

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E.P.A., Curbed by Supreme Court, Falls Back on a Piecemeal Plan for Climate Change

WASHINGTON — Following the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling last week limiting the government’s ability to restrict the pollution that is causing global warming, the Biden administration is planning to use other regulatory tools in hopes of achieving similar goals. A key part of the plan: Further restrict other pollutants that coal-burning power plants emit such […]

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Democrats Offer Plan to Cut Drug Costs, Seeking Climate and Tax Deal

WASHINGTON — Top Senate Democrats on Wednesday released an updated plan aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs, signaling progress on a crucial piece of their bid to salvage some of President Biden’s stalled social safety net, climate and tax bill. Democratic leaders negotiated the drug-pricing proposal primarily with Senator Joe Manchin III of […]

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How Can We Still Be Talking About Trump?

There’s still a big question of the overall wisdom of a prosecution, however well justified. If, God forbid, Trump runs and wins in 2024, the first thing he’ll do is find any pretext to prosecute Joe Biden, and then it’s off to the races. If you were in Merrick Garland’s shoes, what would you do? […]

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