Homeless Persons

He Had a Dark Secret. It Changed His Best Friend’s Life.

To hear more audio stories from publications like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. On his first night at the Brooklyn homeless shelter, Tin Chin met his best friend. Estranged from his family, Mr. Chin was alone, stewing in anger and shame over all he had lost and how low he […]

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How Houston Moved 25,000 People From the Streets Into Homes of Their Own

Just a week earlier, the outreach team had found Ms. Harris in her tent under the highway. Now, as if by magic, here she was, shellshocked after five years on the streets. Opening the apartment’s door revealed an empty, white-walled living room with a tidy galley kitchen, which the outreach workers began to stock with […]

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Rick Caruso’s Law-and-Order Campaign for Los Angeles Mayor

Still, his supporters say it is precisely his experience outside government that is driving their enthusiasm. They see a city riddled with crime, where tent encampments for the homeless have taken over sidewalks and freeway underpasses — a city at its lowest point in years. Many complain about R.V.s parked for days or weeks on […]

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A One-Woman Rescue Squad for Homeless Students

“The fact that there’s this cadre of liaisons who are committed to the program has pushed schools to pay more attention to homeless kids,” said Maria Foscarinis, a longtime housing advocate who lobbied for the 1987 law. While only about 57 percentof homeless children were enrolled in school when the law passed, the share soon […]

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Spokane was the Next Affordable City. Now, It’s Too Expensive.

Mr. Silbar, the real estate agent, has sold it twice in the past three years. The first time, in November 2019, he represented a buyer who offered $168,000 and got it with zero drama. This year it went back on the market, and Mr. Silbar listed it for $250,000. Fourteen offers and a bidding war […]

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