International Monetary Fund

Bangladesh Seeks I.M.F. Loan as Inflation Rocks South Asia

DHAKA, Bangladesh — Just a week after introducing scheduled power outages in response to the soaring cost of fuel in Bangladesh, the government said it was seeking help from the International Monetary Fund, joining two other nations in South Asia to do so in recent months. Government officials said the country was running low on […]

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Martin Guzmán, Argentina’s Economy Minister, Abruptly Quits

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) — Argentina’s economy minister abruptly resigned on Saturday night, a move that threatens to further destabilize an economy already shaken by sky-high inflation, rising energy costs and growing fears over possible new defaults on debt. The minister, Martin Guzmán, was the architect of the South American country’s recent deal with the International […]

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Union Strike in Tunisia Challenges President’s Rule

CAIRO — A nationwide strike by public-sector workers on Thursday threatened to deepen Tunisia’s political and economic crisis in the most visible challenge yet to President Kais Saied’s increasingly authoritarian campaign to concentrate more power in his own hands and right the country’s tottering economy. Buses, trains, airports, government offices and public companies came to […]

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Pakistan Raises Fuel Prices in Effort to Stabilize Economy

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan’s government on Friday sharply increased fuel prices for consumers, paving the way to revive a $6 billion bailout package from the International Monetary Fund and stabilize the country’s cratering economy amid deepening political turmoil. The move raising gasoline and diesel prices by about 20 percent — or about 15 cents — […]

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Poor Countries Face a Mounting Catastrophe Fueled by Inflation and Debt

Before war ravaged Yemen, Walid Al-Ahdal did not worry about feeding his children. At his hometown near the Red Sea, his family grew corn, raised goats and relied on their own cow for milk. But for the last four years, after fighting forced them to flee, their home has been a tent at a camp […]

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World Economic Outlook Dims as War and Pandemic Cast a Pall

“Demand will be and will need to be restrained by the removal of monetary accommodation,” she said. “And this has become very clear in recent months.” In addition to the war, the pandemic and rising interest rates, China is facing a downturn in its property sector, and the Brazilian economy could be damaged by political […]

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U.S. and Allies Will Strip Russia of Favored Trade Status

The 1930s tariffs were crafted to charge high levies on imports of manufactured goods and farm products but low rates on imports of raw materials — a design that would limit costs for U.S. factories, Mr. Gresser wrote in a blog post. The U.S. tariff on palladium, for example, which is used in catalytic converters, […]

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IMF Warns Ukraine-Russia War Will Likely Slow Global Growth

The war in Ukraine and the associated sanctions that countries around the world have imposed on Russia are likely to cause a downgrade of the International Monetary Fund’s global economic growth forecast, Kristalina Georgieva, the I.M.F.’s managing director, said on Thursday. The Ukraine crisis is another shock to a world economy that was just emerging […]

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I.M.F. Forecasts U.S. and China Slowdowns Will Hold Back Growth

The pandemic has changed the way people in many parts of the world spend their money, shifting funds that might have been used for dining, travel and entertainment to goods they can play with, sit on or consume at home. That increased demand, combined with persistent difficulties in moving goods from one city or continent […]

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