Kansas City Royals

Smell Good, Play Good? MLB Players Douse Themselves in Cologne

In the minors, where players often make meager salaries, Pérez said he didn’t see many players spraying themselves before games. But in the majors, everything is more, from the paychecks to the notoriety. “You’ve got to look good,” said Astros infielder Aledmys Díaz, 31, a Cuban. “This is the show.” Before he defected from Cuba […]

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MLB’s Opening Day Is a Reason to Celebrate

My daughter sent me a poem this week called “The Catch,” by Simon Armitage, the poet laureate of the United Kingdom. I have not studied poetry in years, so there might be a deeper meaning or symbolism here. But it seemed fitting enough for opening day: Forgetthe long, smoulderingafternoon. It is this momentwhen the ball […]

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