Mastriano, Doug

Democrats Gamble With Ads That Highlight Far-Right Candidates

The Pain of Redistricting: Representative Jerrold Nadler defeated his longtime congressional neighbor, Representative Carolyn B. Maloney, after the powerful Manhattan Democrats’ districts were unexpectedly combined. A Post-Roe Test: The win for Pat Ryan, a Democrat, in a special election in New York’s Hudson Valley offers one of the clearest signs yet that abortion can be a powerful […]

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Doug Mastriano Faces Criticism Over His Backing From Antisemitic Ally

Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor of Pennsylvania, is under increasing scrutiny over his connections to the far-right social media platform Gab and its founder, who has repeatedly made antisemitic remarks defending their ties. Early this month, news emerged that Mr. Mastriano’s campaign had paid Gab, a haven for white nationalists and users banned […]

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Far-Right Republicans Press Closer to Power Over Future Elections

The potential for far-right Republicans to reshape the election systems of major battleground states is growing much closer to reality. As the halfway point nears of a midterm year that is vastly friendlier to Republicans, the party’s voters have nominated dozens of candidates for offices with power over the administration and certification of elections who […]

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Trump’s Primary Losses Puncture His Invincibility

Donald J. Trump had cast this year’s primaries as a moment to measure his power, endorsing candidates by the dozen as he sought to maintain an imprint on his party unlike any other past president. But after the first phase of the primary season concluded on Tuesday, a month in which a quarter of America’s […]

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Republican Panic Grows After Mastriano Wins

The aftershocks of Tuesday’s big primaries are still rumbling across Pennsylvania, but one impact is already clear: Republican voters’ choice of Doug Mastriano in the governor’s race is giving the G.O.P. fits. Conversations with Republican strategists, donors and lobbyists in and outside of Pennsylvania in recent days reveal a party seething with anxiety, dissension and […]

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Here’s where Trump’s endorsement record stands so far.

Most of the candidates former President Donald J. Trump endorsed in contested Republican primaries have won in this early phase of the 2022 midterms. Many of those he backed were running unopposed or faced little-known, poorly funded opponents. There have been some noteworthy losses, however. Here is a look at Mr. Trump’s endorsement record in […]

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Republican ‘Chaos’ in Pennsylvania Threatens to Upend the Midterms

To a degree surpassing any other contest in the 2022 midterms so far, Donald Trump has poured his personal prestige into Pennsylvania’s Republican Senate primary race, which is going through a final spasm of uncertainty as Kathy Barnette, an insurgent candidate with a sparse résumé, gives a last-minute scare to Trump’s pick, Dr. Mehmet Oz. […]

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Trump Backs Doug Mastriano, a Far-Right Loyalist, to Lead Pennsylvania

Former President Donald J. Trump on Saturday endorsed Doug Mastriano, a retired colonel and state senator who has propagated myriad false claims about the 2020 election and attended the protest leading up to the Capitol riot, in the Republican primary race for governor of Pennsylvania. Mr. Trump made his choice three days before the state’s […]

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Hard-Liners Gain in Pennsylvania G.O.P. Races, Worrying Both Parties

ERIE, Pa. — Republican voters in Pennsylvania, one of the nation’s most hotly contested political battlegrounds, appear to be rallying behind two hard-right candidates for governor and the Senate who are capturing grass-roots anger, railing against the party’s old guard and amplifying Donald Trump’s stolen-election myth. With less than a week until the state’s primary election […]

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