Paid Time Off

How Covid Did Away With the Sick Day

Many workers find themselves, consciously or not, mimicking the way their bosses behave. They witness managers answering emails from bed, and feel they should do the same. So some bosses are taking a firmer line on using their leave. Jim Canales, head of the Barr Foundation, a philanthropic organization focused on arts, education and climate, […]

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Justice Dept. Employees Urge Administration to Grant Leave for Out-of-State Abortions

WASHINGTON — Justice Department employees pressed the Biden administration on Wednesday to grant federal employees time off if they or their family members need to travel out of state to obtain abortions. The request puts the administration in a potentially tricky position: either denying a benefit even as several large companies have made accommodations in […]

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Delta Air Lines and a Union Spar Over Isolation Periods for Sick Workers

Delta Air Lines and a large flight attendants union are fighting about whether the company’s new isolation policy for employees who test positive for the coronavirus puts workers and travelers at risk. The airline’s chief legal officer sent a letter on Friday to the Association of Flight Attendants-C.W.A. saying the union had posted “false and […]

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Delta Air Lines updates its Covid-19 policies after the C.D.C.’s new guidance.

Delta Air Lines has updated its policies for workers who get sick with the coronavirus, soon after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shortened its recommended isolation period for Americans infected with Covid-19. Delta was one of the first companies to adapt to the updated guidance, which it had publicly called on the C.D.C. […]

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Architects Are the Latest White-Collar Workers Drawn to Unions

For decades, architects have enjoyed a place alongside doctors and lawyers among the professionals most revered by pop culture and future in-laws. And for good reason. Architects spend years in school learning their craft, pass grueling licensing exams, put in long days at the office. Still, there is one key difference between architecture and these […]

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