Perry, Gaylord

Baseball Hall of Famers Compete Over Statues

COOPERSTOWN, N.Y. — The unofficial greeters at the Hall of Fame stand together, in bronze, by the ticket booths in the museum lobby. They are multicultural monuments to strength, sacrifice and service: Lou Gehrig, Jackie Robinson and Roberto Clemente. “Those three represented so much more than what they did on the field,” said Josh Rawitch, […]

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Carlos Beltran Creates a New Ethical Debate for Hall of Fame

It might have been the best game Jim Palmer ever pitched: 11 scoreless innings on a summer afternoon in Baltimore in 1977, with nine strikeouts and no walks. Palmer didn’t win it, though, because the Orioles never scored. Gaylord Perry, the slippery ace of the Texas Rangers, was dominant. “I come out to get the […]

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