Portman, Rob

Pitching G.O.P. on Gay Marriage Bill, Tammy Baldwin Leaves Nothing to Chance

WASHINGTON — Senator Tammy Baldwin, the soft-spoken liberal Democrat of Wisconsin, was on a plane home from Washington last month when she got word that Senator Ron Johnson, her home-state colleague and a stridently hard-right Republican, had said publicly that he would not oppose a bill protecting same-sex marriage rights. Seizing a rare moment in […]

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Same-Sex Marriage Bill, Considered Dead on Arrival, Gains New Life

WASHINGTON — It began for Democrats as a messaging vote, an election-year political maneuver to show voters that they were doing everything possible to protect marriage equality in the face of new threats from a conservative Supreme Court — and a move to force Republicans to put their opposition on the record. But when the […]

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Gun Bill’s Progress Reflects Political Shift, but G.O.P. Support Is Fragile

WASHINGTON — As Senator Joni Ernst, Republican of Iowa, weighed whether she should vote to take up a bipartisan gun reform measure, the phone lines in her offices were being flooded by constituents hoping to sway her. The calls were coming in roughly six to one, she estimated, with an urgent message: “Please do something.” […]

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Tim Ryan Struggles to Reach Ohio’s Exhausted Majority

Mr. Ryan condemned anti-Asian violence but said that he was speaking specifically about government policies of the Chinese Communist Party that have hurt Ohio workers and that he was not backing down. A Guide to the 2022 Midterm Elections Seven months before the November election, it is too early to say whether the Ryan playbook […]

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Founder of CrowdTangle Hopes to Bring Transparency to Social Media

Senator Portman said in an emailed statement that “every new disclosure of problematic activities by social media companies reignites calls for congressional action.” Before answering those calls, he said, “Congress should take a step back to ensure that we are not legislating in the dark.” For Mr. Silverman, the legislation is a return to politics. […]

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