Psychiatry and Psychiatrists

Dr. Oh Eun-young, ‘the God of Parenting,’ Will See You Now, on TV

SEOUL — Appointment day was finally here. The parents had waited for a month to see the renowned psychiatrist in South Korea about their child’s issues. They entered the room, the doctor arrived, and the door closed. Then the teleprompters turned on, the cameras started rolling, and the producer shouted, “Action!” So began the taping […]

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Teens Are Getting Sick From Products With High THC Levels

By the time he reached college, he had been through various addiction treatment programs. He had become so paranoid that he thought the mob was after him and his college was a base for the F.B.I., Ms. Stack said. At one point, after he moved out of his childhood home, he threatened to kill the […]

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Doctors Gave Her Antipsychotics. She Decided to Live With Her Voices.

To back its position, the W.H.O. highlights stark words from Thomas R. Insel, who from 2002 to 2015 was head of the National Institute of Mental Health, the largest funder of mental-health research in the world: “I spent 13 years at N.I.M.H. really pushing on the neuroscience and genetics of mental disorders, and when I […]

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He Spurred a Revolution in Psychiatry. Then He ‘Disappeared.’

On the second day of the annual convention of the American Psychiatric Association in 1972, something extraordinary happened. While the assembled psychiatrists, mostly white men in dark suits, settled into rows of chairs in the Danish Room at the Adolphus Hotel in Dallas, a disguised figure had been smuggled through the back corridors. At the […]

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How Long Should It Take to Grieve? Psychiatry Has Come Up With an Answer.

She noticed something odd: In many cases, patients were responding well to antidepressant medications, but their grief, as measured by a standard inventory of questions, was unaffected, remaining stubbornly high. When she pointed this out to psychiatrists on the team, they showed little interest. “Grief is normal,” she recalls being told. “We’re psychiatrists, and we […]

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