Psychology and Psychologists

‘Parentese’ Is Truly a Lingua Franca, Global Study Finds

We’ve all seen it, we’ve all cringed at it, we’ve all done it ourselves: talked to a baby like it was, you know, a baby. “Ooo, hellooooo baby!” you say, your voice lilting like a rapturously accommodating Walmart employee. Baby is utterly baffled by your unintelligible warble and your shamelessly doofus grin, but “baby so […]

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7 Questions to Strengthen Your Relationship

The past two-plus years have been universally tumultuous, and couples therapists say they have been dealing with the fallout in their practices every day. Even now, when the pandemic no longer dominates daily life, many Americans continue to work, shop and do so much online that they count on their partners to meet their social […]

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The Battle Over Gender Therapy

And just like that, after four years of painstaking work, Leibowitz, de Vries and the rest of their group were being called out as traitors by peers and the community they sought to care for. “We understood the enormity of the need for these standards from the beginning,” Leibowitz told me. “I’m not sure we […]

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Your Bosses Could Have a File on You, and They May Misinterpret It

For decades, much of the federal government’s security-clearance-granting process has relied on techniques that emerged in the mid-twentieth century. “It’s very manual,” said Evan Lesser, president of ClearanceJobs, a website posting, jobs, news and advice for positions that involve security clearances. “Driving around in cars to meet people. It’s very antiquated and takes up a […]

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How Many Close Friends Do You Need in Adulthood?

An ongoing argument my husband and I have —  which has become more contentious during the pandemic — is about how many friends we should have. We both have one or two close friends and siblings we like to spend time with. Plus, we are busy parenting two young boys who sap most of our […]

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‘It’s Life or Death’: The Mental Health Crisis Among U.S. Teens

How the reporter Matt Richtel spoke to adolescents and parents for this series In mid-April, I was speaking to the mother of a suicidal teenager whose struggles I’ve been closely following. I asked how her daughter was doing. Not well, the mother said: “If we can’t find something drastic to help this kid, this kid […]

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A Look at the Textbooks Rejected by the Florida Department of Education

After the Florida Department of Education rejected dozens of math textbooks last week, the big question was, Why? The department said some of the books “contained prohibited topics” from social-emotional learning or critical race theory — but it has released only four specific textbook pages showing content to which it objects. Using online sample materials […]

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War in Ukraine Has Left Eastern Europe Sleepless

WARSAW — For the past seven weeks, Dr. Simona Neliubsiene has struggled to focus on her patients’ charts, distracted by images of bombed cities flashing in her head. At night, she lies awake in bed, her heart thumping, frantically doom-scrolling through the latest news about Russia’s war in Ukraine. “I never had anxiety attacks before,” […]

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How to Choose a Mental Health App

With therapists in high demand and long waiting lists that make it challenging to find a provider, using a mental health app might seem like a tempting and relatively inexpensive way to get help. These apps claim to help with issues as varied as addiction, sleeplessness, anxiety and schizophrenia, often by using tools like games, […]

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