Toyota Motor Corp

Plug-In Hybrid Cars Gain Ground in Race With Electric Rivals

In late 2010, General Motors sought to seize the high ground from Toyota’s successful Prius hybrid with the Volt plug-in hybrid — a car that could drive short distances on only electricity and fire up a gasoline engine for long trips. But the Volt and other cars like it struggled to win over drivers as […]

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Electric Car Sales Climb Sharply Despite Shortages

Americans are buying electric vehicles at a record pace, undeterred by rising prices and long waits for delivery, a further indication that the twilight of the internal combustion engine is on the horizon. Vehicles that run on batteries accounted for 5.6 percent of new-car sales from April through June, still a small slice of the […]

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GM Quarterly Sales Fall Amid Shortage in Computer Chips and Other Parts

The auto industry is facing worrying signs all across its horizon, including rising interest rates and fears of a recession. But the biggest problem still seems to be making enough cars. General Motors said Friday that its U.S. deliveries of new vehicles in the second quarter declined 15 percent from a year earlier, while Toyota […]

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Tesla, Unlike Other Carmakers, Reports Big Sales Increase

Tesla, the world’s leading electric car company, on Saturday reported a steep increase in worldwide sales in the first three months of the year as it overcame supply chain problems and moved closer to production levels on a par with established luxury carmakers like BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Tesla said it delivered 310,000 vehicles from January […]

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China’s Covid Lockdowns Set to Further Disrupt Global Supply Chains

BEIJING — Trucks are being delayed by the testing of drivers. Container rates are rising as ships wait for many hours at ports. Products are piling up in warehouses. As Chinese officials scramble to contain the country’s worst outbreak of Covid-19 since early 2020, they are imposing lockdowns and restrictions that are adding chaos to […]

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G.M. Cancels Shifts at Michigan Plant Over Canada Protest Disruption

General Motors is the latest automaker to suspend production because of protests at a crucial Canadian border crossing that have disrupted supply chains already in turmoil because of the pandemic. G.M. said it had canceled two shifts on Wednesday and Thursday at a factory in Lansing, Mich., that makes sport utility vehicles. The plant depends […]

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How The Trucker Protests Are Snarling the Auto Industry

“What people seem to not understand is that when that truck isn’t moving, they make no money,” Ms. Walker said, noting that drivers with certain types of cargo, such as some hazardous materials, are limited to crossing on the Ambassador Bridge. The slowdown in Canadian trade will disproportionately affect New York, Michigan and Ohio, said […]

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Why This Could Be a Critical Year for Electric Cars

Sales of cars powered solely by batteries surged in the United States, Europe and China last year, while deliveries of fossil fuel vehicles were stagnant. Demand for electric cars is so strong that manufacturers are requiring buyers to put down deposits months in advance. And some models are effectively sold out for the next two […]

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Why Tesla Soared as Other Automakers Struggled to Make Cars

For much of last year, established automakers like General Motors and Ford Motor operated in a different reality from Tesla, the electric car company. G.M. and Ford closed one factory after another — sometimes for months on end — because of a shortage of computer chips, leaving dealer lots bare and sending car prices zooming. […]

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