Tag: United States Politics and Government

White House Communications Director, Set to Depart, Decides to Stay

WASHINGTON — At this point in an administration, with the president’s poll…

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House Passes Assault Weapons Ban That Is Doomed in Senate

WASHINGTON — Responding to a string of mass shootings, a divided House…

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Climate Bill ‘Transformative’ for Auto and Energy Industries

Making electric cars more affordable.For the auto industry, one of the most…

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Democrats’ Plan to Win in 2022 Looks a Lot Like 2020 and 2018

Today’s newsletter is a guest dispatch from Georgia, where my colleague Maya…

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Despite Biden’s Success on Judges, Progressives Demand a Faster Pace

WASHINGTON — With an extended summer recess looming and their majority at…

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Will Anyone Hold Daniel Snyder Accountable?

Who is going to hold Daniel Snyder accountable for his misdeeds?The N.F.L.?Congress?The…

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Biden Administration Plans to Offer Updated Booster Shots in September

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration now expects to begin a Covid-19 booster…

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As Congress Debated Landmark China Bill, Beijing Surged Ahead

In the weeks before the House and the Senate ended 13 months…

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After Clash, Manchin and Schumer Rushed to Reset Climate and Tax Deal

WASHINGTON — Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, and Senator Joe Manchin…

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