United States Women’s National Soccer Team

The Day the Supreme Court Crashed the Title IX Party

But Friday hummed with sadness. By taking an ax to Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that nearly 50 years ago guaranteed women the right to abortion, the Supreme Court demolished a signal of freedom in the battle for gender equality — freedom that helped female athletes achieve glory that many now take for granted. […]

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U.S. Soccer and Players Guarantee Equal Pay in New Contracts

For the first time, soccer players representing the United States men’s and women’s national teams will receive the same pay and prize money, including at World Cups, under landmark agreements with the U.S. Soccer Federation that will end years of litigation and bitter public disputes over what constitutes “equal pay.” The revised pay structures are […]

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U.S. Women’s Players and U.S. Soccer Settle Equal Pay Lawsuit

For six years, the members of the World Cup-winning United States women’s soccer team and their bosses argued about equitable treatment of female players. They argued about whether they deserved the same charter flights as their male counterparts and about the definition of what constituted equal pay. But the long fight that set key members […]

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USWNT and US Soccer Settle Equal Pay Lawsuit

That could take months. The men’s and women’s team already have held joint negotiating sessions with U.S. Soccer, but to make the deal work — the federation is seeking a single collective bargaining agreement that covers both national teams — the men’s players association will have to agree to share, or surrender, millions of dollars […]

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