Warhol, Andy

When ‘New Art’ Made New York the Culture Capital

When I was a kid in the early 1960s, my Eisenhower-Republican physician-father always had the latest copies of his favored subscription publications on his home office desk: Time, Life, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and Mad magazine. To me, Time and Life pegged him an engaged citizen; JAMA, as a conscientious professional. But […]

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Catch a Rising Star at the Auction House

Do this right and you can even make a profit. As the market reporter Katya Kazakina recently explained in Artnet News, galleries with a hot market star on their hands increasingly favor collectors who can “buy one, give one”: in other words, purchase two works in a show and commit to donating one to a […]

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Christie’s to Sell Entire Ammann Art Collection

Just two weeks after announcing that it would sell an important 1964 Andy Warhol silkscreen of Marilyn Monroe from the Thomas and Doris Ammann Foundation Zurich, Christie’s on Wednesday said that it would also handle the sale of the rest of that collection, including works by Robert Ryman, Cy Twombly and Francesco Clemente. “It’s a […]

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