Xerox Corporation

What Sheryl Sandberg’s Exit Reveals About Women’s Progress in Tech

But many of them encountered difficulties steering aging tech companies. Of those women, only Ms. Catz, Ms. Hood and Ms. Porat remain in their roles. “The snail’s pace of progress for women leaders in Silicon Valley is worse than disappointing,” said Nicole Wong, a deputy chief technology officer for the Obama administration and a former […]

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Can the S.E.C. Require ‘Gag Orders’ When It Settles Cases?

The new case concerns Barry D. Romeril, a former Xerox executive whom the S.E.C. accused of participating in a scheme to mislead investors. He settled the case in 2003 without admitting or denying the accusations; paid more than $5 million, much of it reimbursed by Xerox; and agreed to the agency’s take-it-or-leave-it condition that he […]

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