
How Scientists Are Reviving Cells in Dead Pigs’ Organs

The pigs had been lying dead in the lab for an hour — no blood was circulating in their bodies, their hearts were still, their brain waves flat. Then a group of Yale scientists pumped a custom-made solution into the dead pigs’ bodies with a device similar to a heart-lung machine. What happened next adds […]

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A.I. Predicts the Shape of Nearly Every Protein Known to Science

In 2020, an artificial intelligence lab called DeepMind unveiled technology that could predict the shape of proteins — the microscopic mechanisms that drive the behavior of the human body and all other living things. A year later, the lab shared the tool, called AlphaFold, with scientists and released predicted shapes for more than 350,000 proteins, […]

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Studies Probe Adenovirus Link to Childhood Hepatitis Cases

For months, scientists around the world have been investigating cases of severe, unexplained hepatitis, or liver inflammation, in previously healthy children. At least 920 probable cases have been detected in 33 countries since October, according to the World Health Organization. About 5 percent have required liver transplants, and 18 deaths have been reported. So far, […]

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The Effects of Sleep Debt

After surveying past studies of sleep-deprived mice, many of which Dr. Veasey conducted, the researchers found that when the animals were kept awake for just a couple of hours more than usual each day, two key parts of the brain were notably affected: the locus coeruleus, which manages feelings of alertness and arousal, and the […]

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Liviah’s New Liver: A Family Grapples With a Girl’s Puzzling Hepatitis

It was three days before Christmas, and Elizabeth Widders was perched in her upstairs bathroom, fastening red and green bows in the hair of her 4-year-old daughter, Liviah. But as Liviah stood in the morning light, her mother noticed that the whites of her eyes had turned yellow. She hustled Liviah downstairs to ask her […]

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Can I Stop Isolating If I’m Still Testing Positive for the Virus?

Tests also differ in their sensitivity, and people differ in how they perform them. “Some people do a swab test and it’s like they barely touch their nose,” Dr. Gordon said. “Whereas with other individuals — actually, with a family member recently, I had to be like, ‘Don’t hurt yourself,’ because they were really, really […]

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Daily Aspirin Regimen May Cause Bleeding

Dr. Wong added: “Two didn’t find any significant reductions in heart attack or stroke, but there was an increased risk of bleeding.” The third clinical trial, which was limited to people with diabetes, a higher-risk group, found a small reduction in cardiovascular events — but with a higher bleeding risk. “The harm canceled out the […]

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What Scientists Know About the Unusual Hepatitis Cases in Children

Where have the new cases been reported? In early April, Britain became the first country to notify the W.H.O. of a cluster of unexplained hepatitis cases in children. The cases were unusual because they occurred over a short period of time in otherwise healthy children, and because clinicians quickly ruled out any of the common […]

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‘It’s Life or Death’: The Mental Health Crisis Among U.S. Teens

How the reporter Matt Richtel spoke to adolescents and parents for this series In mid-April, I was speaking to the mother of a suicidal teenager whose struggles I’ve been closely following. I asked how her daughter was doing. Not well, the mother said: “If we can’t find something drastic to help this kid, this kid […]

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