Voting Rights, Registration and Requirements

A Year After a Fiery Voting Rights Speech, Biden Delivers a More Muted Address

Mr. Warnock, however, said in his victory speech that night that he won despite voter suppression. Stories of Georgia voters waiting for hours in long lines that wrapped around buildings, he said, were “most certainly not a sign voter suppression does not exist.” Early figures indicated that nationally the Black share of the electorate in […]

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The ‘Cost’ of Voting in America: A Look at Where It’s Easiest and Hardest

Voters in New Hampshire and Mississippi face the highest personal cost in the country in terms of the time and effort required to cast a ballot, according to a new academic study. Voters in Oregon and Washington have it the easiest. And while residents of Georgia, Florida and Iowa face taller barriers to voting since […]

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2020 Election Deniers Seek Out Powerful Allies: County Sheriffs

LAS VEGAS — An influential network of conservative activists fixated on the idea that former President Donald J. Trump won the 2020 election is working to recruit county sheriffs to investigate elections based on the false notion that voter fraud is widespread. The push, which two right-wing sheriffs’ groups have already endorsed, seeks to lend […]

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Prohibits the Use of Most Drop Boxes for Voting

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Friday prohibited the use of most drop boxes for voters returning absentee ballots, giving the state’s Republicans a major victory in their efforts to limit voting access in urban areas. The 4-to-3 ruling by the court’s conservative majority will take effect in time for Wisconsin’s primary elections next month, although […]

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California: How to vote, where to vote and what’s on the ballot today.

With everything else demanding Americans’ attention right now, you may have forgotten that California’s primary election is today. And you certainly wouldn’t be alone: Turnout is expected to be low. Need a refresher? Here’s what to know: How to vote California sends a ballot to every active, registered voter — so if you are registered, […]

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5 G.O.P. Candidates for Michigan Governor Are Disqualified Over Forged Signatures

More than half of the 21,305 signatures submitted by Mr. Craig’s campaign were rejected, leaving him with 10,192 valid signatures, the bureau said in its report, which noted that little effort had been made to vary handwriting. “In some cases, rather than attempting varying signatures, the circulator would intentionally scrawl illegibly,” the bureau said of […]

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Charges Dropped Against Pamela Moses, Who Was Jailed Over Voter Fraud

A Tennessee prosecutor dropped all criminal charges on Friday against Pamela Moses, a Memphis woman with a previous felony conviction who was sentenced to six years and one day in prison in January after she tried to restore her right to vote in 2019. The voter fraud conviction from her trial was thrown out in […]

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A Departing House Democrat Traces 30 Years of G.O.P. History

As a young congressional aide, David Price witnessed the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 from the Senate gallery. He remembers the dramatic moment when Senator Clair Engle of California, dying of a brain tumor and left unable to speak, was wheeled in to cast a decisive vote. Price watched the South drift […]

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North Carolina Drops Mark Meadows From Voter Roll Amid Fraud Inquiry

Mark Meadows, a former chief of staff in the Trump White House, has been removed from the voter rolls in North Carolina as officials investigate whether he fraudulently registered to vote and cast a ballot in the state during the 2020 presidential election, according to a local election official. Mr. Meadows, who helped amplify former […]

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